Chloe Elliott
Chloe Elliott is a poet based in the North. She is the Gold Winner of the 2020 Creative Future Writers’ Award and one of the winners of the 2022 New Poets Prize. Her debut pamphlet Encyclopaedia is forthcoming with Smith|Doorstop Press in June 2023.
Her poem has featured in anthologies by Bitter Melon and Bad Betty Press. Her writing has also featured in Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal, Ink Sweat & Tears, Bedtime Stories for the End of the World, bath magg, Strix, The North and Magma. She is particularly interested in mixedness, scrap ecology, and the tactile world.
She is an experienced live arts facilitator, and has previously partnered or run workshops for New Writing North as well as The National Glass Centre. At present, she is Creative Apprentice for Modern Poetry in Translation and Digital Content Assistant for Aesthetica. She also sits on the board for The Writing Squad and Art Council England’s Youth Advisory Board.
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