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16th November 2017

Our Queer Identities

Durham Students Union
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Kingsgate, DSU


This joint workshop, led by Durham alum and Squad grad Katie Byford, aims to create a relaxed atmosphere in which queer people can explore identity and creative expression through discussion and writing exercises. The evening will look at the works of three important queer writers: Andrea Gibson, Audre Lorde and Reinaldo Arenas.

The workshop will comprise a brief introduction to each poet, a look at one their works, and a discussion. After each discussion will follow a short writing exercise, using prompts and challenges inspired by the poetry discussed; participants should feel welcome to share their ‘quick sketches’ with the group, and to support their peers with questions and observations.

The aim of the workshop is to create a supportive space for reflection and creativity while being constructive for those who want practice developing their poetic voice.

[This event has been co-organised with Katie Byford by Durham Intersectional Feminism Society, Durham University English Literature Society [DUELS] and Durham University Creative Writing Societ and supported by Durham Trans Campaign as part of the celebration for Trans Awareness Week].

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Our Queer Identities 2017-11-16 Durham Students Union
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