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Arts Council England Announces a Funding Increase

Everything the Writing Squad does relies entirely on two things: the brilliant Squad writers we get to work with work with; and the continued support of Arts Council England.
So it was great last week that the Arts Council not only retained us as part of their national portfolio, but offered us increased funding for the next three years. We are grateful to those who made our case in a difficult funding round.
The increase will create a rolling programme to give five of our grads the paid, eighteen month opportunity to become part of our Core Team, mentoring Squad writers while they themselves are mentored by our current Team.
They’ll gain a track record in writer development and leadership, the wider sector will benefit, and we’ll increase the Squad’s capacity to support our ever growing community of writers and activists.
Together with our commitment to 50% of our board being made up of Squad writers, this exciting initiative will help them not only define their own future, but the future of the Writing Squad as well.