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Libby’s Homeland Stories Land at HOME

Libby Williamson is both producer of and a writer in this project commissioned by HOME, Manchester as part of their Homemakers series.
Homelands, by Plaster Cast Theatre Company, explores what happens when everything you know has been turned upside down. Participants are thrown into the centre of an imagined world and asked to creatively respond to the upheaval they find themselves in.
This interactive experience asks you, the participant, to help in the creation of an imagined world. Alongside others who have selected the same world, you will decide how to respond to an adverse situation that you are faced with. Your situation will be detailed in an original short story which is unique to you! This story will be handwritten and posted to you, and you are asked to respond either as an individual, a household or a family.
Live now, pay as you feel, find out more here.