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Keep On Reading!

Liz Gibson has a poem out with Popshot Quarterly’s Freedom Issue.
Lenni Sanders and Gregory Kearns are both featured in Issue 4 of bath mag, a new poetry magazine.
Fahad Al-Amoudi has a poem out in SLAM! You’re Gonna Wanna Hear This, an anthology of groundbreaking poetry put together by international poetry sensation Nikita Gill.
Annie Dobson’s short story The Diptych is up on The Grapevine as part of their isolation series with illustrations by Catherine Morton-Abuah.
Sarah Fletcher has a poem in the Field Notes on Survival anthology.
Dominic Leonard has work in the Issue 2 of Fourteen Poems.
Laura Potts has new poetry out with SMOKE Poetry Magazine.
Helen Bowell has poetry in Issue 3 of The Willowherb Review.
Emily Pritchard is featured in the Issue 3 of Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal and has a sequence you can read here on Blackbox Manifold.
James Giddings’ Members’ Poetry Competiton winning poem is on the Poetry Society site.