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Two Projects: Writing Dance and Not About Now

Collaboration has been at the heart of two exciting projects Squad writers have been working on in the past few months.
In Writing Dance, Squad writers were paired with dancer/choreographers at Yorkshire Dance. Across four days in July, they explored the similarities and differences in their art forms, sparked surprising and innovative creative conversations and planned future collaborations. You can read more about the project here.
Earlier in the year, poet laureate Simon Armitage and the T.S. Eliot foundation offered their support to the Squad in commissioning our poets to create an anthology titled Not About Now. The poets worked in pairs, editing each other’s work, and the resultant anthology covers everything from Taylor Swift to dead badgers. You can find out more about the project here, and find a digital copy of the anthology on our bookshelf.
Both projects have offered our writers an opportunity to stretch their creative muscles (literally and figuratively) during lockdown, to continue to push their craft and to make new connections.