Saba Sams
Saba is a prose writer represented by Niki Chang at The Good Literary Agency.
In 2019, her story ‘Tinderloin’ was shortlisted for The White Review Short Story Prize. In 2018, her story ‘Overnight’ was published in The Stinging Fly, edited by Sally Rooney. Her writing has also appeared online in places such as Litro, The Manchester Review, Arcturus, Forge, Tangerine and Granta.
Her debut collection of short stories from Bloomsbury won the Edge Hill Short Story Prize .
Saba writes primarily about young women. She is interested in the paradoxes and ambiguity that make up womanhood. Her stories explore violence and power, lust and shame, jealousy and lies. Her inspirations include Ottessa Moshfegh, Julie Orringer and Lorrie Moore.
Recent work:
You can listen to her BBC National Short Story Award winning story here.
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